Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sleepless in Adobe

Can't sleep tonight, so of course I get on my computer and keep on playing with the 3D "M" that I made earlier on Adobe Illustrator.

What else would designers do at 4 am?

Someday I'll wake up and I'll be Paul Rand, and it'll all be worth it.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Just doing what designers do—that is, saying awkward innuendos that are also completely nerdy: In this case, the phrase actually makes sense, and honestly, anyone that can switch cleanly from RGB to CMYK and back during printing or processing is a friend of mine.

First roughs at logotype and personal identity branding

So here's my favorite idea so far in my Corporate Branding class for creating a visual identity for myself. 

Personally, I think it's brilliant...but then I think that most of the work that I make is brilliant (and it usually isn't). 

But I do love working with the fact that "Matthew" is one of the most common names in the United States, and so instead of trying to weave my name through some blithe, forgettable typeface, I thought instead to brand myself without the M, creating "Atthew Design." It's memorable, breaks tradition and traditional logic (and in those respects it's both familiar AND surprising), is playful, and facilitates a triangulating interaction between viewer, brand name, and logotype for interpretation. 

I'm praying that my teacher, Eric, will love the idea as much as I do. 

Also, nobody email the phony address that I put on the business card mock-up. 

front and back of prospective "Atthew Design" business cards