Monday, February 27, 2012

These are portraits that I had to do for a class that I did last night, at like 4 AM. And they're due tomorrow :/
I'm just really hoping that they'll dry before I have to turn them in. I may have to resort to drastic measures, like putting them in the oven (which apparently can either dry the painting, or make it explode...which I feel like is worth the risk). 

I'm still wrestling with the medium of oil paints. I suppose I've got about three years (and only one that really counts) of experience with the paints, and I believe that I'm slowly taming them. 

The self-portrait (which isn't perfect and has some likeness issues) was the last one that I painted, which is probably why it turned out the best. Also, I didn't have to try too hard for the facial structure, which was a battle for the other two. I know my own face pretty well: it's not like I gaze at it every day in the mirror. 

Also, these are part of midterm that I've got. I've also got to turn in all of my in-class paintings and a sketchbook. 
Expect some scans in the very near future. 

Supplies Used
Flat #10, #8, #4, #2

-Ivory Black
-Titanium White
-Yellow Ochre
-Cadmium Yellow Light
-Cadmium Orange
-Cadmium Red Medium
-Alizarin Crimson
-Cerulean Blue

Step-by-step for self portrait: 1—drawing, 2 (&3)—color block in, 4 — skin modeling

Family series for portrait class. My two sisters and me. 

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