Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Updates and Sneak Peek

Well, first off:
1) I made it into BYU's Mayhew Art Show!
For those of you that don't know, it's an annual art competition that's open to all students, meaning that I was competing against designers, illustrators, painters, sculptors, photographers, animators, and even non-art majors. I'll find out later if I actually won anything.

I used a painting that I did of my younger brother Stewart. I'd scan it and show you guys, but it's gonna be hanging up in the Arts Center for awhile. Sorry.

2) I got the BYU Talent Award for my graphic design!
Here I was competing against all of the other designers and I was one of the 20 students selected to receive this scholarship. I'll find out in early April how much I got.

So in my Graphic Design Practicum class we're designing a magazine. I'm pretty much finished. I have to print it all and mount it by next Wednesday, and I'll post the whole thing then.

For now, a sampler:
The cover, and the opener for a feature on the actor, Michael Fassbender.

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