Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Painting Pointers

I need to start painting a lot more, because how in the world will I ever become a medium for the spirit of John Singer Sargent if I don't practice more? I mean, really.

Pointers for future reference:
-I need to not let myself go back and correct paintings: Alla Prima all the way
-I should probably use bigger brushes
-Keep palette limited (8 colors, which I have, is pushing it...)
-REDUCE REDUCE REDUCE (I'm so bad when it comes to simplifying what I'm looking at. In fact, the more I look, the more complexity I perceive, so it's sort of a Catch22)
-Painting's overall success? Hmmm, B, B-. It's decent. I like where it's going, but my technique is still sloppy. I need to work on that.

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