Thursday, April 12, 2012

Return from hiatus / Edwardian Script / Karenina

Well, after a month of silence, I return.
A matter of hours ago I turned in my BFA application for BYU's graphic design program (and I can't wait to write out BYUVAGDBFA and have people pronounce it as "by-you-vag-deb-fa"). Strangely, without dozens of pieces to rework and reprint, I'm feeling sort of empty.

I got onto InDesign and Illustrator and —for some strange borderline-sado-masochistic reason— started designing again.

The script font experiments more or less failed, but I got some cool shapes regardless. Here's a T and a G. I feel like the entire architecture of the elves from Lord of the Rings was designed this way...

Also, I'm in love with: books, book designing, and Russian everything. 

I tried out some redesigns of Anna Karenina in the original Russian format. The first is stolen directly from the Russian Constructivist look, which is awesome-looking albeit completely inappropriate as far as subject matter and chronology are concerned.  

So I changed directions to go in a more illustrative route, built up some designs on Illustrator, and came up with these: 

And yes. I made that by hand with cross-stitch marks.

The illustration is a call-out to a previous project that I did, that was posted on my first entry

I'm serious hoping that I can legitimately use the Russian embroidery somewhere in my class work again; I'm dying to use it for a Petrouchka poster.  


  1. Anna Karenina is one of my favorite books!

  2. Yeah, it's the best. I'm glad that my high school English teacher forced us through it.

  3. I love Anna Karenina. And yes, this is Shelley and I am stalking you.
