Monday, June 25, 2012

Recent Illustrations

Inspired by my older sister's role as Little Red Riding Hood in the Utah Valley Princess Festival, I decided to start playing around with images of wolves (which, unfortunately are a sickeningly stereotypical hipster trope. Blech). However, I liked the idea of the simple face and texture combo, creating (hopefully) a properly nightmarish massiveness. 

I was also drawn to this wonderfully positive quote by Anton Chekhov: 

"When a person is born, he can embark on only one of three roads of life: if you go right, the wolves will eat you; if you go left, you’ll eat the wolves; if you go straight, you’ll eat yourself."

There you have it. 

(ballpoint on paper. Coloring in PhotoShop)

Also, I'm taking a class on Anton Chekhov, and we have to do a creative application for our final. Obviously, I've started working on my final already (instead of the 10 paged paper that's due this Thursday). For now, I'm drawn to doing promotional posters for a number of plays. Here's my first stab at laying out The Seagull:

That tiny little box on the upper left with the two seagull's heads on each other is my present selection for the composition (also, you should know that I'm omitting my pages of shitty drafts. You just get to see the final stab, along with the pretty bird and soviet star--which will not be on the poster).

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